Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | Nouvelles saintes

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  • Nouvelles saintes

    Nom: Sr. Mary Agustine

    Était: 97
    Années de consécration religieuse: 69
    Lieu du décès: 09/10/2022
    Local de Falecimento: Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh



    On August 5th Sister Mary Augustine 97, a member of Nirmala Province, India went home to God. She was in religious life for 69 years.  Sr. Augustine was a teacher as well as a trained Homeopathic doctor. She was loved by her students and the poor families whom she served as a doctor, teacher and counselor.


    She was engaged in social as well as in  healing ministry and found time to visit families, especially the families of the  poor, sick and the suffering ones, and loved to distribute communion to the home bound. Sister made use of her time to counsel students, staff members, peons and helped them to live happily. Faith in God has been the hallmark of Sr. Augustine’s life.