Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | International Commissions

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  • International Commissions


    St. Joseph Family Network of Latin America and the Caribbean promotes an online event and brings 1.2 thousand people together

     "Jesus had a disciple who loved him so much that she had the courage to be at his side when he was being crucified." This statement was made by Mexican theologian Sr. Griselda Martinez Gonzales (St. Joseph of Lion). “She was a disciple whom Jesus loved so much that He chose her to be the first to know his Resurrection. We are talking about Mary Magdalene”. These expressions were given during a videoconference organized by the St. Joseph Family Network Team in Latin America and the Caribbean, on July 22nd, 2020.

    The Network Team Coordinator, Sr. Nilva Dal Bello CSJ, said that this videoconference was a historic celebration because it brought together over 1.2 thousand people to participate in this event. “We are meeting virtually and in person, because many people are connected and many communities are following in groups. This is a new reality in our lives that the pandemic has created and we will have to live with it from now on”. She added that, for the first time, the St. Joseph Family in Latin America and the Caribbean held such an expressive meeting, bringing together religious and lay people.

    Magdalene on the scene as the first witness of the Resurrection

    Sr. Griselda stated that the image of Mary Magdalene has reached the present day as a “profession” which is controversially called as ‘prostitute’. However, the canonical gospels never presented it this way, but as someone who repented. A prostitute was not allowed to wash someone\´s feet and wipe with her hair to show warmth and hospitality. “This gesture was made by a slave or a woman, but not by a prostitute. For this reason, we are facing an erroneous and mutilating expression of the dignity of women”.

    According to the theologian, one fact must be highlighted. The gospels speak of women who followed Jesus since the beginning of his preaching in Galilea, and three gospels placed Mary Magdalene on the scene as the first witness of the Resurrection. Her name appears in the texts of all the Evangelists.

    Disciple, witness, beloved, announcer ...

    Sr. Griselda highlights, however, a conflict. "It is difficult to explain and understand that there was a woman canonized as a prominent disciple and also marginalized as a repentant prostitute." Wrong exegesis led not only to an error, but to an intention to relegate the so important female figure to a secondary level, a fact that did not occur in the Eastern Churches.

    Faithful disciple, privileged and reliable witness of the resurrection, beloved disciple and announcer of the Living Christ: These are characteristics of the female presence of Mary Magdalene in the life and mission of Jesus. For Sr. Griselda Morales, Mary Magdalene is the first person in love with revelation. The videoconference was organized to continue the extension of the 7th Latin American and Caribbean Seminar and the Celebration of the Liturgical Feast of Santa Mary Magdalene.

    Elton Bozzetto - Journalist / Brazil

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