Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    05.14.2021 | General Council

    Let us pray in unity with Pope Francis, with the Church, with all Christians of good will for an end to the pandemic. Let us ask St. Joseph, our patron, for his intercession.




    St. Joseph, you modeled for us a life of integrity, justice, faithfulness and love as you raised Jesus with a father’s tender care and shared your life with Mary, his mother. I entrust myself to your care, as I place in your hands all those in need of wisdom, compassion, recognition and aid. (personal intentions)


    In quiet Nazareth so long ago, the Spirit spoke to your heart through dreams and prayer and you followed God’s will with deep faith. In the quiet of my days, be with me as I   rejoice in the good that surrounds me; and with the hard choices I often must make, help me follow the same Spirit’s guidance, even when the unknown is before me. I offer my prayers in your holy name, St. Joseph.



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