Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    02.10.2021 | Italy Province

    Chapter session online?! It was good right from the beginning!


    The pandemic does not impede the evaluation and election processes in Italy. As soon as Preparatory Committee perceived that the first Chapter Session was impossible to be held in person, they decided unanimously not to postpone the session but to have them online. In fact, for Italy, less dangerous times are not in sight, and even the transition from the "red zone" - that is, the local blockade - to the "orange zone" or "yellow", seems to be rather a political choice, not to stop the economy, than a sign of victory over the virus. We must continue to exercise extreme caution.


    Of course, the Chapter members agreed to have the first session online. But Everyone was concerned about the time to be spent in front of the computer screen as well as the secrecy of votes in election of the two delegates and the alternates for the General Chapter.


    To make the process easy we did not use online platform for voting but opted to use WhatsApp. Each one was invited to vote by sending a text message to the General Secretary. This simple method helped us elect easily Sr. Maria Cristina Gavazzi and Sr. Rosalba Scaturro as Chapter delegates.


    The continuous consultation with the General Council in this regard was decisive, as was the work carried out with and by the facilitator - Sr. Maria Pilar Benavente Serrano MSOLA. This process was appreciated by all the 19 Chapter members.


    These short sessions focused on sharing experiences which generates attentive capable of transforming the weaknesses identified into new possibilities for our world in gestation.


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