Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    05.04.2023 | Pakistan Region

    1ST  MAY' 2023


    Region of Pakistan 'sisters of st.Joseph of Chambery  along with students (Christ the king High School)  celebrated  the joyous day of our  patron saint '.

    Saint Joseph the worker.



    Students demonstrated in the church  during  Eucharistic celebration various roles of St.Joseph.


    As Joseph being  just ordinary man became the extraordinary through him readiness at the service of others in need. In a very meaningful way students  described the qualities of Joseph. That we all are reminded  by the greatest example  of st.Joseph to be ever  ready  and attentive to God's  loving  calling.


    May  God bless us all to live the spirit and  charism of our  patron saint to live  fully  being  alive  and ever dedicated  at service in God's kingdom.


    Sr. Sumaira - CSJ 'Pakistan

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