Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    02.02.2023 | Brazil - 3rd Provincial Chapter - The Lord has guided us...

    Today, on February 2nd, 2023, the Day of Consecrated Religious Life, we share with you, dear sisters, and friends, a photo of the Sisters who participated in the Provincial Chapter in Curitiba. The lyrics of the song below express what the Provincial Chapter meant for us Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambéry of the Brazil Province.





    Thus far the Lord has led us
    And certainly, He will lead us through
    He will lead us.


    He has always loved us
    He called us from the beginning of time
    And certainly, he will not forsake us.


    From the beginning, the Lord was there
    And certainly, He will continue to be
    He will continue to be with us.


    We have had pain and cross
    But there was a lot of faith
    If we need His help, He will help us.


    He entrusted us with this mission from the beginning,
    And certainly, as we go forward
    He will ask for even more.


    His grace has called us
    His love sent us forth
    Let's continue to seek His peace


    (Sr. Edir de Freitas - Franciscans of Allegany)

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