Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    01.25.2023 | Brazil - 3rd Provincial Chapter - Preparation, and Expectations...

    THE IN-PERSON PROVINCIAL CHAPTER BEGINS -  Organization, Preparation, Arrivals, and Expectations


    The Province of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambéry in Brazil begins its 3rd Provincial Chapter, in Curitiba/PR. The capitulars, coming from different parts of Brazil, have already begun to arrive. 80 Sisters will gather for six days for a Kairós - a Time of God! Decisions, proposals, choices, discernment, prayer, sharing, and coexistence will be part of the program.


    A lot of preparations are done to welcome and assist the Chapter Members. The commissions - Coordination and Facilitator, Moderators, Secretaries, Synthesis/Writing, Communication, Transport, Welcoming and Decoration of Environments, Animation, Liturgy and Accommodation - previously organized, have been working, for months, through meetings, producing materials, providing everything that will be needed for this event.  






    Preparations are intensified as we are on the eve of starting the Provincial Chapter. Fabrics, posters, banners, rooms, chairs, and tables are ready for the event.  Materials are being sent and received via emails and WhatsApp, … in short, it is a dynamic, beautiful, and intense movement, where each one is doing her best to live these days in a fruitful way. Every space in the house is organized to give life to the Chapter. Messages, prayers, and best wishes are coming from many places. Gradually everything is getting ready and it is beautiful!



    The arrival of Superior General Sr. Dolores Lahr was a feast of smiles and hugs. The arrival of each one brings with it a moment of joy, affectionate hugs, and a warm welcome. It really is a time of grace that will certainly be lived with great intensity by the capitulars, the Province, and the entire Congregation, as well as by the Associates and collaborators who accompany us and share with us the life and mission of communion.



    Sr. Eliana Aparecida dos Santos
