Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    08.10.2022 | TANMAYA PROVINCE - POEM

    Journeying together


    Souls journeying together
    Being intercultural in this common home
    Forgetting differences while walking together
    towards the heavenly home.


    No bias, no prejudices
    Church is open to all views
    separation of clergy, religious and laity it bans
    equal sojourners what it cares.


    The beauty of young taking initiative to lead
    While the old graciously promoting this good deed
    Boundaries of country and region are lost
    While walking together is found best.


    Disable, able, injured and sick in wheelchair
    Each giving their might to keep up the journey
    To live the Kairos of Syndoality
    Is the path of pilgrim and missionary ecclesiology.


    Speaking with courage, listening with openness
    To address the complexity of time
    To be a catalyst, a springboard
    To enter into the expansion of God’s horizon.


    Let’s be the part of this synodality
    While living a life of solidarity
    Be the witness to the charism of communion
    While entering this new phase of evangelization.


    Laveena D’Souza - Province of Tanmaya/India

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