Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    04.30.2022 | Indian Sisters in France

    Meeting of Indian Sisters in Chambéry - April 22-24, 2022


    Aims of the meeting of the Indian sisters of Annecy, Lyon and Chambéry who are in mission in Europe:


    • Strengthen us, encourage us and help us support one another.
    • Arrive at a better understanding of the mission and service of each one of us in Europe
    • Reflect on and share our experiences of mission in Europe today
    • Listen to the challenges and the mission experiences which the others are facing and give an opportunity for us to grow and deepen our own missionary spirit
    • Broaden for one another the horizon of where we are in mission to, first, "Think broadly about the path of synodality" in light of the future, and, second, think of how we might encourage hope and life for our sisters, the Church and the world.


    We were 6 sisters: 3 of Chambéry, 2 of Annecy and 1 of Lyon.  It was a wonderful meeting for all of us.


    Sisters Santhi, Jayarani et Sujatha
