Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    04.29.2022 | Province of France – Belgium



    On April 22, 2022, the whole world celebrated Earth Day.  The theme for this year was "Invest in our planet" and it could not be more appropriate! We marked this day by raising our awareness of the beauty of creation. Cultivating the earth to grow vegetables and keeping nature green.



    Some of our sisters take responsibility to oversee food waste that can be used for compost to fertilize the earth and thus participate in the green revolution. 





    On Earth Day, using symbols, we considered the four éléments of water, earth, light and fruit.  At the end of the day we concluded with a meditation on nature.  We took the time to reflect on our responsibility to our common home, the Earth.  And we prayed for those who work tirelessly to protect our mother earth.


    Sister Jona


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