Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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    07.05.2021 | Brazil celebrates the fusion of Chambery and Pinerolo

    Pinerolo-Chambéry Celebration in Sao Paulo - Brazil



    Sisters from four communities gathered in Sao Paulo to celebrate the feast of the Fusion of the two congregations - Pinerolo-Chambéry.


    The large room was with the photos that were sent to us - a happy memory that facilitated this spirit of togetherness with all the people who gathered on the day of the celebration.  A Holy Mass was celebrated using the texts from the July 4th celebration in St. Maurice.


    A time of sharing of thanksgiving for this feast of communion was very rich with wishes for the journey in this present and for the future. We are very grateful to God and to all the people who participated in this process until we arrived at this moment when we all feel that we are participants and want to live this union that makes us, more and more, "the Congregation of the Great Love of God".


    Porto Alegre - Brazil

    Nazaré House/POA prayer of welcome to the Sisters of Pinerolo .....The interest and participation of the elderly Sisters was a surprise




    Some manifestations of the sisters from different regions:


    Our celebration of Fusion today reveals how UNITY is greater than structures and situations. The action of the Holy Spirit is always present and acting. Together we are faithful to HIM.


    It is God walking with the Congregation of Saint Joseph! Let us ask God for the grace of Fidelity so that the Mission of Communion and the experience of Unity that God entrusts to us continues to happen in us and in humanity!


    We are united in joy, unity and trust in a God who leads our History.


    It is the "we are ONE" happening, with the Church of Jesus of Nazareth.


    It was exciting to see God acting in the History of the Congregations! The Fusion Ceremony was very well prepared and experienced. Congratulations!


    Even in the physical and geographical distance our hearts were closer in faith and hope.


    Welcome among us, dear Sisters!


    It was exciting and heart warming!


    God be praised and unity continues among us.


    Gratitude to God for this historic moment of fusion, after 200 years that we left Chambery we now return to our origins. Gratitude for the warm welcome from each of you dear Sisters. I am Sr. Josefa de ex Pinerolo. Gratitude to God and to you.
