Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    06.24.2021 | Italy - New Provincial Council

    Thank you for your prayers for the success of the Provincial Chapter in Italy. The election was concluded on June 23, late afternoon. Eight sisters from the former Congregation of Pinerolo participated in the six Chapter sessions as auditors via Zoom, and 18 delegates from the Italian Province in the face-to-face modality:


    The new Coordination Team was constituted as follows: 



    Sister Clementina Copia - Provincial

    Sister Rosalba Scaturro - Councilor

    Sister Maria Cristina Gavazzi - Councilor

    Sisters:  G. Rossella Passalacqua and Maria Natalia Bard - Alternates


    Sister Mariapaola Vandone e sister Gemma Valero and  from Pinerolo will participate in the Provincial Council as non-elected members, but with the same attributions as Councilors.



    We thank God for the generosity and availability of the Sisters in providing this service and assure them that our prayers are with them. We also thank the outgoing team, Sisters Maria Cristina, Alessandra, and Maria Teresa who have been in leadership for the past 7 years.


