Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | NEWS

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    Looking Toward the Future

    Looking toward the future was considered from very different aspects on Thursday: congregational resources, our connection with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Handan and missionary presence in France.  We began the day with S. Donna briefly sharing about the finances of the congregation.   She was followed by Helen Harrington, a consultant who helps religious congregations plan for their future.  A native of Ireland, she considers it her vocation to help congregations understand their current resources and offer a financial plan for each province and region so they can continue to support the life and mission of the sisters.  She will be working with each province and region to gather information in order to prepare a report that will be used as we look to the 2021 General Chapter and beyond.

    Later in the morning the assembly gave attention to S. Dominga, a Brazilian sister who is presently part of the ongoing missionary presence in France. Dominga, who has been in mission in different places (Northeast of Brazil, France, Sweden) for 40 years, spoke of her experience in an intercultural community in Albertville before sharing what she considers important considerations for those who might join this project.  The sisters were given three possible recommendations on this topic and asked to choose one or propose another, in light of the General Chapter.

    The morning continued with more information on China and a draft covenant of our congregation with the sisters of Handan.  There was then a time for personal reflection on this and the recommendations on missionary presence, followed by small group discussion.   

    After reports from the groups, attention moved to the topic of abuse of power and authority. Mariaelena developed this subject in a general way, and pointed out how it can also be found in religious life in different forms.   Sally then presented the main points in the Motu Proprio Vos Estis Lux Mundi which spells out the responsibility of those in leadership in the church or a religious community who are aware of the abuse of power as well as the perpetrators of sexual abuse.  Antonia, from Bolivia, was the last speaker of the day, giving the assembly some insights into how the issue of sexual abuse is being dealt with in her diocese she is on the committee working on guidelines.

    It was a day with many varied and interesting topics, all in light of the General Chapter.  

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