Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | NEWS

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    The Spirit of God Calls Us 14 - 01

    With the focus on mission today, the members of the Extended Council were invited to reflect on how  their province, region or mission has responded to the calls to mission since the 2015 General Chapter.  The day opened with the words of S. Mariaelena who asked if we were willing to move forward facing our fear or desirous of going back to more certainty and security.  She recalled the decisions of the 2015 General Chapter and the 2017 Extended Council, reminding us that mission is more about who we are than what we do.  We have been called to be the “beloved community” which welcomes all to the center of our lives and moves out to migrants, refugees, victims of violence, and youth among others.  Then the assembly heard how the General Council has responded to the needs of mission in varous countries.

    Inspired by these words, the mixed language groups met to share how their province, region or mission had evaluated their apostolic activities and what the results were – new energy, difficulties, new responses . . .  The sharing in the assembly reflected joy and the experience of life across the congregation.

    The morning closed with the presentation of the missions in Sweden and Tanzania.  S. Ieda introduced Sweden two sisters are working with migrants and refugees.  S. Josiane told us how the two communities there are supporting education, especially for girls and women in need.  Both spoke of the precarious situation of the people, the valuable work of the sisters and pointed to the need for sisters to reinforce the mission.

    In the afternoon Mariaelena presented the challenge to embrace the “Holy Chaos” of the Spirit which is the precursor of a new creation.  She noted the importance of listening to the untimely voices among us, those that make us uncomfortable but push us into our future even if it is not of our own choosing. 

    The afternoon closed with personal reflection, sharing in same language groups and then in the assembly.  The groups reported back on the calls they heard, including how they saw we will be in ten years and the need to hear those who make us uncomfortable, listening to those voices, even within the congregation.   

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