Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | NEWS

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    Embracing the Humility of Christ

    His Excellency, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, presided over the Eucharistic celebration today. The Cardinal spoke to the formators and to the local community gathered for more than an hour. He highlighted the hidden face of the Church today and how Pope Francis is trying to give the world the correct picture of Christ and Christianity.

    Pope Francis broke with papal protocol by kneeling to kiss the feet of South Sudanese leaders at the Vatican just the other day. Being true disciples, we should embrace the humility of Christ as it is depicted in Phil 2:5-12. Whatever the authority that may be given to us, we need to be like Jesus and be one with the common people.

    Recalling the Youth Synod, the Cardinal stressed the importance of priests and religious stepping into the world of the youth and not waiting for the youth to come to them. In the same way, a formator needs to get into the world of those in formation and try to understand them from their perspective.


    The Cardinal gave a new understanding of how priests and religious should be living discipleship, vows, affectivity and sexuality in today’s context. He stressed the need to look at our community life – learn to live profoundly, in unity, living a simple life style and being true witnesses of Christ.


    Sister Harshita Joseph

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