Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | NEWS

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    The delegates entered into the day with an invocation to Holy Spirit to guide them in the process of discernment, as it was the day to elect the General Councilors. Sister Celine Kalathoor from the Province of Nagpur, India, Sister Maria Cristina Gavazzi from the Province of Italy and Sister Eliza Fatima Zuanazzi from the Province of Brazil were elected as councilors for a mandate of 8 years. They were then congratulated by the members of the Chapter and wished God’s blessings.





    The delegates were then free until 5 o’clock in the evening, when they gathered in the hall for a reflection given by Sr. Maria Ambrosio. She dwelt on the three Marias who accompanied Jesus and were at the foot of the cross: Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary of Cleopas and Mary Magdalen. She reflected on the meaning of the names of our newly elected General Team, three Marias and Celine.


    The day ended with a liturgy of the Word, highlighting the day’s Gospel – the Good Shepherd and the lost sheep. At the conclusion, each member of the newly elected team was given a lit candle and blessed by Sr. Sally, the outgoing General Superior, who told them that they are light for the congregation.  



    Sr. Laveena D’Souza, ICC




    I could never have imagined that I would sit here and be a part of the General Chapter.  I am honored and feel many graces through this experience.



    The first day I came here, I did not know many sisters, because they  came from many different places and countries. Most of the sisters spoke English, and I only speak a little English. Therefore, I did not trust myself to communicate with the sisters. But I felt that the sisters were open and friendly, greeting me with all their hearts. Their love for me shone through their eyes, smiles and hugs; I learned that we could have a lot of fun together. I feel that together we are a big family, although with several nationalities. This is "my home".


    "What can I do for the congregation?"


    During the meeting I learned many things, especially about how the sisters work and collaborate, preparing everything so well. The ICC has brought us a lot of exciting and interesting moments, with photos, videos, news… all very creative. They have done it very well; I have learned so much from them. More than that, I now know more about interculturality, the congregation, religious life, and the process of discernment ... In particular, I have prayed with the question: "What can I do for the congregation?" and “What does the congregation need from me as I participate in the future?”




    At the end of the day, S. Marian Ambrosio has helped us to reflect on our learnings during the day.  I have reflected on the thoughts and feelings that stayed with me. These learnings, thoughts and feelings give me more knowledge about the congregation and my place in it.


    The day I met the Pope brought me to tears. Wow! I don't have words to express this meeting. I was just so happy, happy, because I saw him in the flesh. This is a blessing and a grace.


    Connected to the whole congregation



    Today we have a new General Team. It has been a new graced experience for me to witness how a new General Team for our congregation was chosen. I thank God for the graces I have received during this Chapter.

    I am most grateful to my provincial and all the sisters in the Norway province, and in a special way to Marit Steinsli who is translating everything for me, helping me to follow the meetings.

    I have much gratitude for all the sisters here during this time together. Each one has been open, helpful and supportive. Every part of the experience has brought warmth to my heart and helped me to feel stronger and more connected to the whole congregation.




    From my heart, I just say ‘Thanks for everything’. For me it was a very great experience to attend the chapter. I was present every day and was able to understand a lot of it, because I was able to follow the Zoom meetings before.  It was interesting to follow the program every day; I was impressed by the creativity.  S. Sally’s opening talk was very good.


    Everything was done with much beauty and creativity


    As she has done in her time as General Superior she challenged us to think broader, to widen our tents, to dream and embrace all people as we live our spirituality of communion and care for God`s creation as our common home. Everything was done very beautifully and creatively: the decorations, liturgy and processions. I could see great communication between people and also a lot of joy and fun.


    I thank Sr. Sally and her team and all the ICC who work hard to give us a sense of this important 30th General Chapter. 


    See more: GENERAL CHAPTER IN NEMI - 12/06

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