Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    06.25.2020 | Creativity, care and solidarity in times of pandemic

     St. Joseph Nursery School of Caxias do Sul began its academic year 2020 with joy, enthusiasm, dynamism, challenges and confidence in a promising year. Teachers were working, planning, sharing and making good use of the training sessions at the beginning of the school year. Everything was ready to welcome the children. And they arrived happy and confident. The hugs and kisses were exchanged among teachers, employees and the little ones who came to the school in pursuit of knowledge, yes, but also for affection, love, lap, space to play and food. According to our plans everything was well done. But lo and behold, there is something that we are not sure on our way that we cannot explain how it happened: the dreaded

    Corona Virus. Fear and unbelief took over us. On March 18, our lives and that of families changed radically. Working parents saw the job slip out of their hands. The mothers felt the need to take care of their children and stay at home, the children missed the school and the teachers and employees were reporting about the children\�s needs for knowing their state of social vulnerability.

    Pandemic demands us to be creative, caring and in solidarity and not to be paralysed by fear. And time passes ... The Teachers, realizing the importance of being close to their students, use the means s/he has to reach out and get close to each family: the telephone. The family welcomes this virtual visit with joy. The child hears the teacher\�s voice and is able to say how much s/he wants to get back to school.

    A solidarity campaign

    We were enlightened to have a solidarity campaign in our school. And this initiative affected not only the faculty and the employees, but also firms, neighbours, friends and people whose hearts were filled with compassion. And many basic baskets, clothes and cleaning kits started to arrive.

    The wonderful thing about all this is to see the joy, the readiness and the emotion of the parents when they received one of these baskets. We are very touched to learn about certain families that are so close to us. What grows most in their hearts is the feeling of gratitude. As soon as they got the call saying they could get help from the school, the families came and when they received the basic basket, the phrase was unanimous: “Thank God, it helps us a lot”.

    It was possible because our School, maintained by the St. Joseph Charitable-Literary Association, is Charitable. The families come from Oriundas de Invasões, the outskirts of Cruzeiro we are located and neighbourhoods. All of them are in great social, family and cultural vulnerability.

    The Teaching Kit

    The solidarity aid continues today, thus being able to assist families with their basic needs. Children, better fed, are able to play with more joy with the Study KIT prepared with the help of teachers and school staff.

    We recognize that, as a School, we are privileged to be able to work to help our school children and families and we feel the affection, care, help and support from the St. Joseph Charitable-Literary Association.

    Courage is a gift which is encouraging us on this journey, because God is with us and supports us. And as Pope Francis tells us: “Imagination is half the disease; Tranquillity is half the remedy; And patience is the beginning of healing!”

    Sr. Ires Lídia Grandi, Caxias do Sul

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