Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    04.25.2020 | Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery donate 30,000 Euros to the victims of COVID-19

    The widespread and global pandemic present in the five continents has already claimed many lives and along with its devastation has also brought us some lessons. One is that there is a horizon that drives us to walk with hope. This horizon ignores race, colour, ethnicity, social status and age. It is the horizon of creative love that is expressed in so many actions of solidarity and universal fraternity. The pandemic is teaching us that we need each other and we save ourselves in community.

    Our contribution was distributed to help refugees who had to undergo the covid-19 test, those who needed hospitalization and those did not have resources or access to Health Plans, here in Rome. A part it is to help the poor families and victims of COVID-19 in Pakistan, Brazil and Italy. It is an action of solidarity in the ocean of charity that comes together to collaborate with the option for life in abundance for all. Creative Love drives us to find creative ways to become sisters in joy, pain and suffering. Let us dare to love creatively!

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