Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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    04.02.2020 | Sisters of St Joseph facing the Pandemic Coronavírus: Nagpur/India - Sharing 4

     Hope  and  Faith  - Two  Ropes  of  Life

    The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc across the globe. We are confronted once more with the fragility of our lives, and again we are reminded of our common humanity; that the peoples of this world are our brothers and sisters, that we are all one family under God. We live in an interconnected world we have a loving duty to care for each other.

    Our sister doctors and nurses at St. Joseph\´s Hospital, Yerla, Nagpur Province, invited an export doctor, who is also serving at the hospital, to create an awareness and educate  the village people on the necessity and the magnitude of  staying indoors, on the use of necessities during this time and hygienic health.

    Sister nurses and doctors continued to help and support the sick that came to the hospital during these troubled and painful times so that immediate attention and care was given and also creating an atmosphere of Hope and Faith as they minister to each patient.  They are on duty round the clock not bothered about themselves but eager to extend their care and love to those who needed them in the hospital and also in the village near by.

    Sisters of St Joseph, St. Joseph\´s  Hospital, Yerla
    Nagpur Province.

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