Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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  • General News

    04.02.2020 | Sisters of St Joseph facing the Pandemic Coronavírus: France - Sharing 3

      Health crisis in the world!

    Some questions pop into my head: are the Wise and powerful in the world? are the science and technology of the sages? A virus, a tiny, invisible virus proves to be stronger, more powerful, faster than all the weapons of war (of death), political powers, wealth and empires combined!

    A "virus" has stopped (literally and really) the world. And we “poor mortals” to survive we need to “obey! Stay at home! ” An apparently simple order! Easy to obey, as we do not carry the responsibility of feeding a family, with the daily informal work, for example, the responsibility of managing schools, hospitals, service companies ... that allow millions of people to survive!

    How can this “stay at home” be transformed into a source of life, spiritual growth, new relationships, new paths of solidarity?

    I live in Albertville- France.

    We try to maintain our community rhythm: daily moments of personal and community 
    prayer, carrying out domestic chores, meal times .... We nourish our spirituality by following     celebrations, rosaries, debates ... on Catholic TV, radio and internet channels.

    • We frequently share via email, WhatsApp, Messenger, postal mail, homily texts, prayers    and texts with positive messages, with people from the different groups we accompany    (prayer groups, school ministry, migrants, Bible, neighbourhood, families, without  forgetting our family members and sisters

    • We use the phone a lot with calls to the Sisters in nursing homes or who live alone and to  other people who also live alone. 
    • Every night at 8 pm, in line with what is done in almost all of France, we go to the apartment    windows, sing, knock pots ... we acclaim .... A support for everyone, but especially for    professionals Cheers.

    • We held Skype meetings with heads of diocesan services with a view of preparing events  planned from June

    • We had a Skype meeting with the community of the Sisters of St. Jose de Ferentino - Italy

    • We organize ourselves, so that in the next 15 days, each one can have a week of “solitude”,     desert experience and retreat.

    Because of our age, we are strongly controlled in our outings. That is why no interactions is possible with the homeless, migrants, and sick people.

    Sr. Dominga Zolet

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