Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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    10.13.2019 | Decima Giornata del Creato

     The 10th edition of Day of the Planet was held on September 29 in Goiânia.  Five buses from different regions brought the participants, besides the cars and motorcycles that were also arriving at the site. The activities of the day began with a beautiful prayer animated by a group of parish youth.  The prayer led us to reflect on the situation of the environment and our responsibility to defend it and to take care of the planet we live.

    A great procession took over the streets of the city. Children, young people and adults raised their voices asking and calling the attention of the residents to the urgency of caring for the earth, our home. During the manifestation, recyclable materials were collected, trees were planted and residents of the neighborhood were alerted, summoning all to do their part for our common home. Besides the procession, workshops were held with themes relating to the environment and the preservation of the planet. 

    Within this spirit of care and preservation, we cannot omit our word about the realization of the Synod of the Amazon. This event encourages us to fight increasingly for a respected and healthy environment in the present we live in and for the tomorrow of future generations, experiencing the earth as a duty and a delight. Our sharing wants to be a seed, to be sown in the heart of each reader.

    Sister Ana Maria de Jesus and Leonardo Xavier (Associate)

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