Congregação das Irmãs de São José de Chambéry | General News

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    03.17.2019 | Commemoration of my 16. 425 days of following Jesus Christ.

    Madina Moroña Suárez Born in San Joaquin, Bolivia, May 10, 1973; first vows February 27, 1994

    My hair and my skin show my age. I was born during a strong wind, bathed with fresh water and was raised walking on gravel and red earth. I was fed with cow\´s milk, tamales, fish, BBQ, stew, turkey buzzard, sucumbé (eggnog) and all the delights that this blessed land gave its children. I walked on roads, tracks and puddles that left traces in me. I ran through the red streets of my legendary, beaten and ALWAYS RENEWED San Joaquin de Aguas Dulces.

    My mission is to give thanks, smile, love, praise, serve, share and trust. This mission was officially sealed on February 27, 1994, when I professed publicly to devote my life to following Christ in religious life as a Sister of St. Joseph of Chambery, assuming the challenge of living happily the grace of communion in every moment,. Communion is a grace and a challenge, built with the help of a close family, Sisters of the Congregation, and the church community. I am sheltered under the light of the Holy Spirit, the protection of our mother, the Virgin Mary and her spouse, the just Saint Joseph.

    The great gifts I inherited, with the grace of God, I keep and expand for you who gave them to me, from my parents, siblings and relatives: love, trust, kindness, generosity, justice, faith, discretion, joy, dignity and forgiveness, from my neighbors: love, care, protection, respect and acceptance, from my people: hospitality, courage, simplicity and organization, from my colleagues: unity, creativity, sincere friendship and solidarity, from my teachers: discipline, dedication and understanding, from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambéry: love for the Holy Eucharist and the dear neighbor, cordial charity, reconciliation, fidelity, perseverance in following Jesus Christ and doing everything for the greater glory of God, from youth: excitement, joy vivacity, and the energy to dream of something new and refreshing, from students: healthy defiance and often, arrogance to undertake the different. A pencil and paper to write this insignificant history of an unworthy fragile follower of the Lord, strengthened through giving thanks and trusting in the God who moves, transforms and ennobles everything.

    The noblest feelings are expressed with the best words, my father used to say. I took this into my heart. Fragility and pain made me strong, free, happy, grateful and helpful, through the grace of God, because, “I can do all in him who makes me strong”. And so I can say:

    "I am here, Lord, I come to do your will." Heb. 10: 7
    "This is who I am, Lord, do with me as you will. "

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