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    Sisters Sally and Ieda visit China

     Ziao Shang Hou! Ni hao! These are Chinese greetings that Sally and I, Ieda, were able to articulate while with our Chinese Sisters. Mandarin is very difficult to assimilate, but we strive to interact with the Sisters as we can. The meeting with the Chinese Sisters is part of a process of monitoring and training that we assumed as a congregation. On May 25, 36 Sisters of their congregation participated in this meeting, including a novice. Ten Sisters could not be present because they are carrying out training or academic studies abroad. 
    This year, in addition to deepening themes relating to consecrated life, Sally and I directed the process of discernment and election of their Superior General, since the current one, for health reasons, submitted her resignation. The extraordinary chapter began at the end of May 30 and will extend until June 2, when, with the presence of the General Administrator of the Diocese of Handan, China, the election will take place. At the end of June 2 and beginning of the 3rd, there will be a meeting with their General Council, to which we will make some general recommendations.
    This time together, despite the intense heat, was one of many graces and blessings as well as challenges and hope in what we do together. Sally and I left Rome on May 24 and will return on June 4. The proposals on possible forms of collaboration, alliance or merger, will be deepened and discerned by both congregations. 
    The Sisters are thrilled with our visit, and we learn and are enriched personally and culturally with the journey that together we undertake. 
    Sister Ieda Tomazini
    General Councilor 

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